There are many ways in which people can exploit the surprising benefits of Camphor Oil. This essential oil is extracted via steam distillation from two distinct types of camphor trees, i.e., Cinnamomum camphora (common camphor tree) and the Borneo Camphor tree (scientific name: Dryobalanops camphora). Though Camphor Oil derived from both these trees are more or less the same, yet they can be distinguished by their distinct aroma with each oil having miraculous healing properties. Such properties stem from the many powerful ingredients like camphene, camphor, borneol, pinene, terpene, and safrole found in varying amounts and concentrations in the oil.
Main Uses:
1) The oil effectively stimulates the circulatory system.
2) It drives away skin infections and germs of various kinds.
3) It gives relief from bloating in a healthy way.
4) It takes care of epileptic attacks and convulsions.